Junk Artists Galore!!

Here are a list of artists I have found relating to recycling and sustainability. Definitely check them out:

Leo Seowell

Leo has been created his style of recycled art for over 50 years now. He most famous works are built by recycled material such as plastic objects, metals, and woods that are all composed into a single sculpture

Nick Gentry

As I have talked abut in previous posts there is a major issues with e-waste. Technology is constantly changing therefore what do we do with our old, dated technology. Gentry decided to take on this challenge by creating paintings made on the surfaces of floppy disks.

Robert Bradford

Bradford has taken up the same style as Leo Seowell, by creating sculptures made from a collection of discarded material such as toys.

Yong Ho Ji

Yong Ho Ji creates his masterpieces out of recycled tires. He cuts and twists tire bits into a  sculpted form normally being animals.

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