Hug A Tree

Everyone has heard of the term  “tree hugger,” which is simple an environmentalist or person who believes that trees should not be cut down and make it there mission to protect these living things. Artists  Agnieszka Gradzik and Wiktor Szostalo decided to turn this word into a living artwork, where they collected branches from around a tree to construct “wicker-people” embracing the tree. These people are actual tree huggers. These wicker people are set up in a line, where you as the viewer can wait along with them to activity hug the tree, inviting people to respond and comment on the environmental issues surrounding trees.

This art project indirectly relates to the discussion of my blog, recycling. You wouldn’t think of the organic form of a tree being recycled but the by-product of the material paper is still an issue of recycling in our technologically based world.

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Illuminated Recycled Garden

Pastic Bag Garden By Luzinterruptus

Pastic Bag Garden By Luzinterruptus

Art Group Luzinterruptus created an installation called “A Cloud of Bags Visit the Prado” outside The Prado Museum for 4 hours.They used 80 plastic bags each inflated by the wind were every single plastic bag had a light inside. This art intervention speaks to the problem of sustainability be illuminating the issue through art. These little bags of light in my opinion act as a metaphor for an idea described as a light bulbs shining; these illuminated bags are the light bulb ideas of recycling, that we need to find every way possible to recycle our material.


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